Saturday, September 05, 2009 # Saturday, September 05, 2009
i had fun!

Aren't they cute!? lols
okay, went out with mr vampire. this is consider twice that i treat you for a dinner. When is your turn best friend? ahahas.
eventually, i wanted to watch FINAL DESTINATION and i forgot all about that until we walked pass the poster. what the fuck! but then its okay. G force pon G force la. hahahs.=)
Thank you to you. you've made my day. thanks alot.=)
tmr, sunday! CASTING! gonna check out cute cute cute guys! lols.
mr vampire gonna be there with his friends. as his friends is going for the casting. hahahs. audition la konon! lols=)
going there with fizah girlfriend! hahas=) then over there gonna meet the others and yeah mr vampire too=)
okay okay, enough of this.
MOOD: :)