Thursday, January 07, 2010 # Thursday, January 07, 2010
big SMILE for this.
:) :) :)
after dance prac, i wasn't in the great mood only after i met love my mood went up to the perfecto! (: thanks for the great night.
went to catch a movie with love. the forth kind. thought the movie was great. but i was about to fall asleep. but i just watch it. don't want to have the feeling that love has wasted the money to it. went to borders after that to find my book but but but but, tk de. grab dinner and after that i still wanting to find my book. and yes! i found it. i love you kinokuniya! but i love B more. hehe.
at grandma's crib. BORING! read my book halfway. heheh. going to finish it up by this sat. hahahs. only one person can disturb me and that's you B. (:
read this:
B, thanks for everything. thanks for the care and concern, the understanding (even though i am so the opposite of you), the love and every single thing. one thing B, put aside all the negative thoughts that you have. it worries me a lot if you keep on thinking that way. don't always assume things that is not true/right. trust me and believe in yourself and yeah, one day you will find it easy for everything. trust me, i won't leave you. i won't let you and myself hurt once more okay? sick and tired of being hurt. B, I LOVE YOU TO THE MAX! Hugs!(: