Thursday, February 18, 2010 # Thursday, February 18, 2010
1.i am so bored at home. like wtf! where all this people at home go?.
2.B, at work. busy. and i don't want to disturb him(: make sure you eat your meal during break.(:
3.I AM OUT OF NICOTINE! I NEED TO SMOKE! but i only LEFT WITH 2 STICKS! my money gone. all gone. i can't possibly ask mum to give 10 bucks. mampos aku!
4.tmr working. 12pm to 11pm. confirm bsk mcm CB!
5.BUT..~ lucky i search for some nice pictures to look at. CRAYONS.
there you go, CRAYONS!(:

okay, this one cool!~

if i can have that as my house's fence, why not. lols!

3,2,1! BLAST OFF!

style kn.(:

(: the nicest one!
on the other hand. i was laughing out loud for this.
ITE, I'VE ALREADY GRADUATED! AND now you approved my application for cca for like 2 years back. QUESTION MARKS FLYING AROUND!???
Regarding your registration with ITE Programme
Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: 18 February 2010 15: 43PM
Hi ISTY PURWANTY BTE MOHAMAD H, you have been successful in registering for :
Fashion & Glamour Club
The venue chosen by you :Grooming & Poise Training Centre Room B02-07
The Date and Time of program:Every Friday 2-5pm
We wish you a fruitful session.
B!, i miss you a lot la pantat!