Thursday, February 25, 2010 # Thursday, February 25, 2010
okay, let's just do this. just to keep me reminded.
$24- black leather jacket.
$20- prepaid
$10- ez-link card
$30- pass to sis.
$10- ciggies!
$60- lasalle application fee
total up= $154!
all this will be paid tmr!
just got my last year's pay. i know like wtf! tomorrow, friday and sunday working at hotel. so like this week, i got money to support myself.((: at least a bit will do la.
i'll be turning to temporary full- timer over at elc. as a junior full timer. part-time of course senior! (: heheh. just earning extra cash to support myself for the mean time. like for 2 to 3 months just before i start schooling. i have to listen to mum sometimes. whatever she said its true. but sometimes its just pain in the ear. hahahs. but still, ma i love you alot. huggs! (:
on the other hand. B, i love you a lot okay. i miss you already. can we meet up soon. maybe after my work later or something? could you please. hugg me tightly when sleeping okay. i feel you~ heheh.(: xoxo!♥♥♥