Friday, November 07, 2008 # Friday, November 07, 2008
okay. where is all the ppl i know gone?
pv0801a is my class.
just miss bunch of them. where all the ppl i know went?
some of them have changed. serious. just cant name it.
miss the old us, who really went lepk tgt, no wars, laughters fill the empty spaces, craps, jokes which is like break our boredom. where is all this.
all this is only happened in class. no more outside. maybe some of them still have it. but seriously, all changed.
the class been break into grps. diff kind of grps. some to here, some to there, some is everywhere and some dont even know where to go. confused. ppl do changed. bt changed in the better way, can be excepted, bt in the bad ways, that until ppl loves you and then, you've changed to a diff person, ppl hate you. ive seen it!.
i had all this crap enough. where is all the warriors go? all gone. been scattered everywhere. one like this, one like that. aiyo. when issit gonna stop?
lets just one day, all go out tgt and have fun just like b4. please. i really miss the warriors that we build for so long. and its just gone just like that. no way sey.!
come on ppl. let just forget everything, solved it once and thats it.
why am i worried abt this, well, friends do play important role in your life. w/o them you gt no help. bt have the friends that you can trust on and believe. find the correct one. that wont backstabbed you. will stay with you.
ok fine, i'll stop here and end here. just do whatever you guys one. washed hand for this grp!.(diff thing i said here)
huggs for 3 bestfriends!=)