Friday, January 22, 2010 # Friday, January 22, 2010
what happened?

what had happened to us?
sorry to say this.
i know how it feels when you already had made plans for us to go out tgt with the secondary sch peeps. sorry for not agreeing to it. part i don't understand why you had to be so worked up by it when i told you that me and fizah can't go home that late. there's reasons. one we're not single anymore. well, i know that's not a big deal, like so what. but our bf will get worried if we go home late or what so ever and they concern. two, i can't really go out that late anymore. its almost everyday i went out late and my mum keep on naggin g about being a girl going out so late and staying at home doing nothing. three, i'm moving out soon, and i have to packed my stuffs. if i haven't, i surely kena fucked up by mum.four, i'm not really that free anymore. i have to pile up my portfolio to go to fine arts. (i've made up my mind)
aishah love, if you read this, it doesn't mean that i hate you already. you just need further explanations to make you understand further. and doesn't make you any assumptions towards us.
bestie, hear me out, don't just because of this, we break up our relationship as a bestfriend. i love you still bestie.(: sorry to what had happened. really i am.